Diplomat in Rwanda - German Taxes

22. Januar 2023 Thema abonnieren
(9 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)
Diplomat in Rwanda - German Taxes

A is a german national with posession of a house in Germany. A is hired by an NGO in Ruanda and has diplomatic status in Ruanda under the Vienna convention. A is Tax exempt due to his status and is wondering if he still needs to pay taxes in Germany.

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3 Antworten
(7244 Beiträge, 1526x hilfreich)

he must pay taxes for the house , for sure
the rest should be discussed with the german embassy



0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(2372 Beiträge, 631x hilfreich)

As @cirius32832 has already said, at least the property tax must be paid to the municipality.

It also depends on how the house is used in Germany.

If it is rented out, then this income is taxable in Germany (limited tax liability).

If house A continues to be used as a residence, the income in Rusnda is taxable in Germany (unlimited tax liability).



"Yeah, I'm the taxman
and you're working for no one but me!"

The Beatles, Taxman

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(47640 Beiträge, 16840x hilfreich)

Zitat (von schimmelus):
a german national

Darf in einem deutschen Forum seine Frage auch in deutscher Sprache stellen.

In addition to the need of the tax pay for the house it should be checked if he has a status according to § 1 Abs. 2 EStG. In this case he also has to pay income tax in Germany.

The tax exempt is onlay valid for Ruanda.

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

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