Accused of Money Laundering and Concealment of Assets

26. Mai 2023 Thema abonnieren
(4 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)
Accused of Money Laundering and Concealment of Assets

Good evening,

I am a student and I currently live in Munich. On the 7th of May, I reported a case to the police in which I was scammed and used. I got an employment on the 23rd of March, signed a contract and started working. My tasks included receiving goods at home and checking them and then forwarding them to the recipients. So after working for some weeks, I started to feel uneasy because I was questioning the processes and my tasks I went to look up dropshipping because I had thought that was the case but the process of dropshipping was different from my tasks. To make it worse, when I was supposed to receive my salary, I started noticing that my employer was stalling. So this made me got to the police to report, my sole aim was to determine that I was doing a genuine job. So I gave them my story, and my communication with the supposed employer and they informed me that I have been working for money launderers and that I was used to conceal illegally obtained assets. I was also told that they need to ascertain that I am not involved.

I became alarmed and then informed them that some items from this employer is still in my possession and would like for them to come and take it from my house since they are proceeds of fraud and I do not have any knowledge that their activities were fraudulent. They proceeded to come with me and picked them up. They also have subsequently asked for my bank information which I have supplied them because I do not have anything to hide or any funds that I can not account for. Last week, I received a letter (KURZMITTELUNG) from the police to request my bank information and consent to peruse my account information. The title of this letter (says I have been accused of laundering and concealment) has got me concerned and led me to contact you because I no longer understand the extent of this matter. All along I believe that I am victim in this matter and every information I have given, proves this.

Yesterday again I received another letter from the police accusing me of spying on data and changing of data (202a StGB, 303a StGB) and then a form was attached with the title Äußerungsbogen Beschuldigte(r) which has several options.

I will like to state that I am not involved in any fraudulent activity and I innocently believed I was working and hoping to get paid a salary for my work which I never received till date. At this point I need some advice and support as I can not afford an attorney. I am only a student looking for extra income to support myself and studies.

What would be the best course of action and do you really think that I have a chance in dismissing this case.

I would really appreciate your response. Thank you

-- Editiert von User am 26. Mai 2023 20:10

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6 Antworten
(16531 Beiträge, 9305x hilfreich)

Zitat (von Solidman59):
I will like to state that I am not involved in any fraudulent activity

You were involved in fraudulent activities - you just didn't realise it.
The problem is that they won't believe you. The scam is very well known.

The next problem will be that soon the senders of the goods will demand that you either return the goods or pay for them.


Für alle meine Beiträge gilt §675(2) BGB.

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(4 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)

Wow! So what can I do now? And besides how best can I respond to this form (don't speak German)? How do I proceed?

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(16531 Beiträge, 9305x hilfreich)

I think a lawyer is a reasonable option.


Für alle meine Beiträge gilt §675(2) BGB.

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(4 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)

Main problem, I can't even afford a lawyer right now. My income is hardly enough for anything. And I don't wanna go to jail. I mean is there a possibility I will go to jail? What have I gotten myself into. I'd readily admit this crime if I perpetuated it, and if I gained one cent out of it. I just had no idea because, to me I was just doing a job.

To be honest I feel like victim in all of this.

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(16531 Beiträge, 9305x hilfreich)

The goods received have usually been paid for with stolen credit card data - and you have helped to get the fraudulently obtained goods out of the country.
The justice system will see you as the perpetrator, not the victim.

You will not go to prison.
But if you do not have a permanent residence permit in Germany, there could be problems there. The foreigners authority will be informed.

And financial claims from the senders of the goods will become a problem. You have received goods that were not paid for properly. So the goods will be reclaimed.

For that alone you will need a lawyer.


Für alle meine Beiträge gilt §675(2) BGB.

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(4 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)

Zitat (von drkabo):
And financial claims from the senders of the goods will become a problem. You have received goods that were not paid for properly. So the goods will be reclaimed

I totally understand this. Thanks for your contribution. Does this mean I will be deported?

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

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