Preisschild Betrug

30. März 2018 Thema abonnieren
(5 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)
Preisschild Betrug

More than 2 months ago I went to a shop to buy a Ralph lauren jacket, the shopman gave me the Preisschild and then put the jacket in Kassa floor in 4. Floor.
I went to kassa and told them I want to take a look around, so they gave me also the jackt, so far I had both preisschild and jacket.
I went to another floor and tried some other jackets and took a Superdry jacket and a black Bluse and then I went to fitting room, after few minutes I got out and returned superdray jacket and black bluse to the Regal and then I went to kassa to buy ralph lauren jacket, I had changed rhe preisschild in fitting room.
I paid the fee and the kassaman gave me the Rechnung but she did not give me the rest of my money ! 
She told me there is a difference between the preisschild and the price in the computer system and you should wait !
After more than 5 minutes I said I can not wait more, so I want to return the Stuff, please give me my whole money, she said No, you should wait.
Then a woman came to kasa and told me we have checked the videos and you have replaced the preisschid of ralph lauren jacket with superdry jacket, because you went to fitting room with both jackets and we have found the preisschild of superdry jacket, which you have changed with the preisschild of ralph lauren.
Obviously they did not have any recorded videos from inside of the fitting room.

They called polizei and I was taken to the p&c office, the police came and took my personal information, they asked me about the delict but I did not accept it and told them I did not steal anythings !

Now after more than 2.5 months, yesterday I have received the polizei anzeige, they invited me to the polizei, what shuld I do now?  Please help ! I have just 2 days !


-- Editiert von Moderator am 30.03.2018 17:37

-- Thema wurde verschoben am 30.03.2018 17:37

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11 Antworten
(4953 Beiträge, 2377x hilfreich)

Wer Preisschilder tauscht begeht Betrug, das hat nicht mit Diebstahl zu tun.
Die Vorladung wird eine Beschuldigtenvernehmung sein.

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(5 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)


Thank you ,
1. but should I accept the acccusation or deny it ?

2. Can they prove the Betrug by using the recorded video from the outside of fitting room?


0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(47618 Beiträge, 16830x hilfreich)

2. Can they prove the Betrug by using the recorded video from the outside of fitting room?

Yes, together with the price tag of the Ralph Lauren jacket which they found inside the fitting room

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

guest-12311.06.2018 09:37:31
(3685 Beiträge, 1414x hilfreich)

You don't have to follow the 'invitation', if you don't want to.

Yes, the recorded video is probably sufficient to prove the Betrug. It is not necessary to get caught with actually switching the Preisschilder. They have prove you had both jackets with you in the fitting room, and afterwards the Preisschilder were switched. There is no plausible explanation how this happened without you doing it.

So with denying the accusation you will very likely not get away. If you admit and express your remorse, and if you have not been caught before, the penalty will be quite low.

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(5 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)

Zitat (von bear):
You don't have to follow the 'invitation', if you don't want to.

Thank you so much!

And what can happen if I don't follow the invitation?

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

guest-12311.06.2018 09:37:31
(3685 Beiträge, 1414x hilfreich)

If you don't follow the invitation and don't send a written statement, the court will decide without your statement and you will probably receive a letter with your penalty.

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

guest-12328.06.2022 18:42:04
(770 Beiträge, 247x hilfreich)

Zitat (von Roshawell):

what shuld I do now? 

Da Sie die deutsche Sprache augenscheinlich nicht beherrschen, sollten Sie zunächst nach einem Dolmetscher verlangen.

Zudem scheinen Sie ja ein ausgeprägtes Unrechtsbewußtsein zu haben und kennen sich mit deutschen Gesetzen nicht sonderlich gut aus.

Andererseits wissen Sie, daß hierzulande in Umkleidekabinen keine Filmaufnahmen erlaubt sind.

Falls also das, was Sie getan haben, in dem Land, wo Sie herkommen, nicht strafbar sein sollte, könnte auch ein Rechtsanwalt hilfreich sein.

Betrug = fraud, deception

Diebstahl = theft, stealing

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(5 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)

Zitat (von BudWiser):
Zitat (von Roshawell):

what shuld I do now? 

Da Sie die deutsche Sprache augenscheinlich nicht beherrschen, sollten Sie zunächst nach einem Dolmetscher verlangen.

Zudem scheinen Sie ja ein ausgeprägtes Unrechtsbewußtsein zu haben und kennen sich mit deutschen Gesetzen nicht sonderlich gut aus.

Andererseits wissen Sie, daß hierzulande in Umkleidekabinen keine Filmaufnahmen erlaubt sind.

Falls also das, was Sie getan haben, in dem Land, wo Sie herkommen, nicht strafbar sein sollte, könnte auch ein Rechtsanwalt hilfreich sein.

Betrug = fraud, deception

Diebstahl = theft, stealing

Thank you

I'm student here and it was the first time that I did such a stupid thing in whole my life ! Unfortunatey I am under treatment of depression and taking 3 pills every day, due to pills, I do not think an I am sometimes not aware of what Im doing

What might be happen if I admit the Betrug? Will the residence permit be canceled? Or just penalty?

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(5 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)

Zitat (von bear):
If you don't follow the invitation and don't send a written statement, the court will decide without your statement and you will probably receive a letter with your penalty.

Thank you

I'm student here and it was the first time that I did such a stupid thing in whole my life ! Unfortunatey I am under treatment of depression and taking 3 pills every day, due to pills, I do not think an I am sometimes not aware of what Im doing

What might be happen if I admit the Betrug? Will the residence permit be canceled? Or just penalty?

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

guest-12311.06.2018 09:37:31
(3685 Beiträge, 1414x hilfreich)

Zitat (von Roshawell):
What might be happen if I admit the Betrug? Will the residence permit be canceled?

Very unlikely.

Zitat (von Roshawell):
Or just penalty?

Yes, just penalty.

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(7422 Beiträge, 3092x hilfreich)

Zitat (von Roshawell):
Unfortunatey I am under treatment of depression and taking 3 pills every day, due to pills, I do not think an I am sometimes not aware of what Im doing

This won't help you. 3 pills will just not push you into a state of Trance ;) , at least not enough to help you out here. In contrary, if you are SO much out of control and insist on not being aware of your actions, the judge might come to the idea to have some doctors look after your mental health status. At your costs.


"Valar Morghulis"

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