Books from Public Domain

30. Juli 2020 Thema abonnieren
(2 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)
Books from Public Domain

I'm writing in English, because it's easier for me, but if that is a problem, I can switch to German.

My company is in Germany, so I quess I have to adhere to the german laws when it comes to copyright.
I wish to use old books commercially, by taking phrases out of the books, rearranging them and selling them as online materials. Most of the books would be older than 100 years. As far as I know, these types of books are part of the Public Domain, which means that I can use them freely. But what happens if they have been translated to English, by a translator/publishing company, sooner than 100 years ago? What are my options and what should I do to avoid any copyright strikes?

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1 Antwort
(2517 Beiträge, 2552x hilfreich)

Zitat (von go553309-27):
Most of the books would be older than 100 years. As far as I know, these types of books are part of the Public Domain

The relevant issue w.r.t. copyright law is whether the creator has been dead for more than 70 years.

As an extreme example, if someone publishes his work at age 18 and dies at age 100, the copyright is valid until 152 years (82+70) after creation.

Zitat (von go553309-27):
But what happens if they have been translated to English, by a translator/publishing company, sooner than 100 years ago?

A translation is a copyrighted work of its own, so the same rules apply - free to use as long as the translator has been dead for more than 70 years.

-- Editiert von JenAn am 31.07.2020 12:33

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

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